Newest Addition Precious Naomi...

Newest Addition Precious Naomi...

We have here our newest addition to the Vogue family. She is our chiquita...lil one. The youngest here and what a breath of fresh air. Let's see what we can learn about her. Funny I asked her to tell me a little about herself and this is what she texted dearing:

Dreams of traveling throughout the world with her mom ❤️...loves Tacos & Pasta! Yum...not a fan of candy Loves her family...special place for her 17 year old sister...her best friend. Pet lover too...has a Dachshund puppy. Oh and a cheerleader for 14 years...WOW! Priority is her family, college and working here at the Vogue.

She loves working at the Vogue, the fun environment, helping the customers fills her with joy. She does wonderful with the customers...friendly, social and so willing to help them. Thank you Naomi for being such a wonderful kiddo. Great disposition to help anyone and her workmates. 

Stop by today and say hello to Naomi when you get a chance. Or better yet write her out a love note below this blog. Let's show some love to our chiquita 💕

xo- Martha





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1 comment

Lovley to read about you and all your dreams and plans. You are very helpful and gracious addition to VV.

patti malone

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